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Automate the benefits management of your company

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What about guaranteeing that your company’s benefits management has the lowest operation cost possible? The choice of the right solution guarantees the exoneration of the time of processing of benefits.

With Gen.te Valoriza - Benefits, you automate the policy of benefits of your company according to the rules and particularities of your business. Directly integrated into the payroll, it provides accurate data and automatic updates, taking into account the hirings, reallocation, and dismissals. It decreases the risk of failure in the operation and in decision-making by the managers.

**Click here and download the descriptive material of the solution. **

What about guaranteeing that your company’s benefits management has the lowest operation cost possible? The choice of the right solution guarantees the exoneration of the time of processing of benefits. With Gen.te Valoriza - Benefits, you automate the policy of benefits of your company according to the rules and particularities of your business. Directly integrated into the payroll, it provides accurate data and automatic updates, taking into account the hirings, reallocation, and dismissals. It decreases the risk of failure in the operation and in decision-making by the managers. **Click here and download the descriptive material of the solution. **


Practicality and speed in the granting of benefits;

Practicality and speed in the granting of benefits;

Practicality and speed in the granting of benefits;

Decrease of mistakes in the operation;

Decrease of mistakes in the operation;

Decrease of mistakes in the operation;

Agility in communication with suppliers;

Agility in communication with suppliers;

Agility in communication with suppliers;

Real control and vision of the benefits management for decision-making;

Real control and vision of the benefits management for decision-making;

Real control and vision of the benefits management for decision-making;

Safety in the information sent;

Safety in the information sent;

Safety in the information sent;

Automation of the benefits operations.

Automation of the benefits operations.

Automation of the benefits operations.

Do you want to know how Gen.te valoriza - Benefits can help you overcome your HR challenges?

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When I see everything we built with LG lugar de gente, only one word comes to mind to describe this partnership: innovation.

When I see everything we built with LG lugar de gente, only one word comes to mind to describe this partnership: innovation.

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