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Olé Consignado

Olé Consignado

Olé Consignado, a consigned credit for INSS retiree and pensioners and civil servants, is an LG client since 2015 and highlights the importance of the partnership. Fruit of a joint venture between Bonsucesso Banks and Santander, the company was already borned robust with a store network of 38 stores, about 600 employees, and an income of R$ 40 million / month, at the time. Today, the company has surpassed the mark of R$ 850 million / month and has over a thousand correspondents around Brazil.

Olé Consignado, a consigned credit for INSS retiree and pensioners and civil servants, is an LG client since 2015 and highlights the importance of the partnership. Fruit of a joint venture between Bonsucesso Banks and Santander, the company was already borned robust with a store network of 38 stores, about 600 employees, and an income of R$ 40 million / month, at the time. Today, the company has surpassed the mark of R$ 850 million / month and has over a thousand correspondents around Brazil.

About 170 employees
Financial Market
LG client since 2015

O que nosso
cliente diz

O que nosso cliente diz

O que nosso  
**cliente diz**

“This agility in listening to the client, as well as the willingness of being of assistance, makes us keep choosing LG lugar de gente’s partnership."

Alexandre Guedes,
Olé Consignado’s People Management Superintendent
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Why LG lugar de gente?

Why LG lugar de gente?

Choosing LG lugar de gente was an obvious decision, as Alexandre Guedes, Olé Consignado’s People Management Superintendent, explains. According to him, since Bonsucesso Banks and Santander were already long-term clients, the partner with the company was natural. “We couldn’t fail on the choice of the technology solution that would manage our human capital”, he reinforces.

He explains that, after a period of evolution of the process, Olé Consignado went to the market to prospect other HR modules. More than once, the best option was LG lugar de gente. “We have searched for other subsystems such as people’s budget and all the development areas. Therefore, not only did we decide to keep LG’s payroll, but also the other solutions”, the People Management Superintendent explains.

Results reached

Results reached

setaDeliveries to the eSocial on time
setaAutonomy to the employee
setaFocus on the client’s experience
setaHR scanning
setaIntegrated solution
Deliveries to the eSocial on time

Besides automating the payroll and the personnel department’s processes, Olé Consignado needed help with the challenges of adequacy to eSocial. In this scenario of so many difficulties, the company counted on LG’s support. “With the creation of the joint venture in the middle of the process of implementation of eSocial, we were behind with this activity. We looked to the market and the companies were hiring consultants, specialists and creating parallel teams. Therefore, we proposed to LG the challenge of making the process in four hands. We made a large project and, in a three-and-a-half period, we managed to implement the eSocial, as well as send all the files to the federal government.

We haven’t had any returns or internal problems with the systems. It was a very successful case”, Alexandre reinforces. According to him, the payroll has gotten so robust with the migration to eSocial, that the company has to expand the use ot=f the solutions. “In order to have more accurate and agile information in the time the business demands, we cannot afford working with spreadsheets. Not only because of the time spent, but also because of the lack of safety. The spreadsheet is a tool that misleads to error, depending on the size or quantity of information of the company. Because of that, we needed to evolve. We hired some systems, such as benefits, people budget, and positions and salaries so we could control and automate these processes”, he points out.

Relationship with LG lugar de gente

Relationship with LG lugar de gente


Alexandre insists on highlighting that, on this search for a better experience of the employee, many questions were asked regarding Gen.te Suite capacity at the beginning of the partnership. “LG was very transparent and showed us what it had at that moment and what was expected in the product’s evolution. The demands we made and that were not planned were included in the roadmap. Therefore, this agility in listening to the client, understanding that the final user is the employee, as well as this will of helping, makes us keep choosing LG lugar de gente’s partnership”, he points out.

He quotes the development of the parameterized processes of the workflow solution as an example. “We had this talk with LG and reinforced the cost of the customizations of the product. With the updates of the versions to serve the eSocial, these values have become recurrent. More than once the company has understood our difficulty and created easy-to-parametrize processes, whose value is only paid once. We were so promptly served, that we haven’t managed to apply all the available parameterized processes yet” he comments.

Among many success factors of the relationship with LG, Alexandre comments on two secrets of the partnership: service and proximity. “Although we are a company that is growing a lot, we are considered to be smaller. Compared to other clients LG has, these companies are more robust. Still, our service is individualized and very close. When we call and show any needs, we manage to easily obtain LG’s support, not only via their main channels, but also through commercial service, and the after-sales staff”, he finishes.

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Com a ferramenta da LG, ganhamos muita produtividade e temos mais confiança nos cálculos e projeções realizadas. Além disso, damos a oportunidade de cada área gerenciar o seu próprio orçamento e as tendências dos gastos, de forma automatizada.

Com a ferramenta da LG, ganhamos muita produtividade e temos mais confiança nos cálculos e projeções realizadas. Além disso, damos a oportunidade de cada área gerenciar o seu próprio orçamento e as tendências dos gastos, de forma automatizada.

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