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The Brazilian Television System (SBT has 97% of national coverage, is the country’s second-biggest station, and holds the biggest Youtube TV channel in the world. Since 2013, the company counts with the support of LG lugar de gente, through w3, to develop its human capital potential through the solutions of competencies and PDI. SB.

The Brazilian Television System (SBT has 97% of national coverage, is the country’s second-biggest station, and holds the biggest Youtube TV channel in the world. Since 2013, the company counts with the support of LG lugar de gente, through w3, to develop its human capital potential through the solutions of competencies and PDI. SB.

6,000 employees
Client since 2013

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cliente diz

O que nosso cliente diz

O que nosso  
**cliente diz**

“We have built along with LG lugar de gente, through w3, an evaluation system with clear criteria, simplicity, and that, nowadays, inspires trust and credibility to the process. Each year, the improvements happen and new insights arise that end up turning into good practices.”

Vivian Jacovazzo,
SBT’s Human Resources Manager
Know how LG lugar de gente can help your company

Why LG lugar de gente?

Why LG lugar de gente?

“Generate content capable of bringing the family together, amuse, inform, and contribute to the development of the Brazilian population”, this is the mission of the Brazilian Television System (SBT). For next years, the company’s challenge is to follow the path of innovation and digital transformation that have marked its 36 years of history. But for that it is necessary to align the people management work which is, today, focused on six dimensions: attract, develop, retain, involve, care, and look after.

To support this strategy, since 2013, the company has counted on the solutions of competencies and PDI of w3, an LG lugar de gente company. According to the HR manager, the company feels safe to work in a partnership which is a reference in the segment of solutions in performance management. “We looked for tools that gave meaning to the performance management process through competencies that could align and combine organizational messages in a structured way. We have made workgroups with our managers, in which the premises were to map the key-competencies and the expected behavior at daily work, projects, and professional challenges”, explains Vivian Jacovazzo.

According to SBT’s Human Resources Manager, Vivian Jacovazzo, all practices of people management aim at preserving the talents and the search for a motivating and happy organizational environment. “Our area’s mission is to be the business’s strategic partner and support in reaching results. Providing talents, developing people, encouraging an excellent work environment, and, above all, preserving the culture and values that support SBT’s vision”, she comments.

Vivian Jacovazzo highlights that in the past four years, the evolution of the people management area has been gaining relevance in the station with the development of the employees and leaders, as well as the corporate communication redesign. “The goal is to equalize the information relevant to the business between the collaborators, from the administrative sector to SBT’s shop-floor, which includes São Paulo (SP) and regional. Summarizing, what we want is to empower and make the spirit of ‘playing for the team’ and being proud of working here be the transformer agent in this phase the television lives today”, highlights the manager.

Results achieved

Results achieved

setaStructured process
Structured process

Vivian reinforces that the results were clear right in the first year of the evaluation application, which counted on an expressive attendance. “We created a structured process for the healthy and productive conversations and dialogues between the leader and led. We knew the task was hard since we could not let any kind of internal disturbance, or the tension created by projects this big, interfere in the results. Although the HR supported and managed the system and the process, the main actors were the evaluated and the evaluators”, she points out.

Vivian also highlights that the differential of the solutions of competencies and PDI is the confidentiality in each step of the process and the customization necessary to cover SBT’s needs. “This partnership was essential for the project's support, since there was no point in having a technical repertoire and applied methodologies if the instrument could not bear our particularities and did not meet the expectations of the involved”, the manager comments.

To the manager, this management and assessment model of each employee’s performance was a leap in the dissemination of SBT’s culture and strategy. Besides, it has become an essential instrument for decision-making regarding people management. “Nowadays, the training, development, and career orientation actions derive from this evaluation”, she completes.

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Com a ferramenta da LG, ganhamos muita produtividade e temos mais confiança nos cálculos e projeções realizadas. Além disso, damos a oportunidade de cada área gerenciar o seu próprio orçamento e as tendências dos gastos, de forma automatizada.

Com a ferramenta da LG, ganhamos muita produtividade e temos mais confiança nos cálculos e projeções realizadas. Além disso, damos a oportunidade de cada área gerenciar o seu próprio orçamento e as tendências dos gastos, de forma automatizada.

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