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The partnership between VLI and LG lugar de gente started in 2014, with the acquisition of the Payroll and Attendance. However, with the company’s growth, it felt necessary a new integration among all HR processes, including the automation of the people budgeting activity. Know below VLI’s gains after acquiring LG lugar de gente’s solution Gen.te Planeja - People Budget.

The partnership between VLI and LG lugar de gente started in 2014, with the acquisition of the Payroll and Attendance. However, with the company’s growth, it felt necessary a new integration among all HR processes, including the automation of the people budgeting activity. Know below VLI’s gains after acquiring LG lugar de gente’s solution Gen.te Planeja - People Budget.

8.950 employees
Client since 2014

O que nosso
cliente diz

O que nosso cliente diz

O que nosso  
**cliente diz**

“The fact that today we have an integrated tool gives us confidence that we have assertive data in the people budget and true to VLI’s reality, allowing decision-making at the right moment”.

Marcos Matheus,
VLI’s Remuneration and Benefits Manager
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Why LG lugar de gente?

Why LG lugar de gente?

People budget is an essential activity within VLI’s strategy. This is because, as it happens in many companies, it represents a big share of the organization’s total costs. Marcos Matheus says that to support this activity, VLI initially used a tool developed internally. However, according to the manager, the solution did not have all the features required to run the process in the organization.

“The tool generated a large operational demand and did not show facilities, such as speed in generating calculations and the accuracy of the information, since it was not directly integrated to the payroll system”, he highlights.

From these difficulties, VLI has noticed the importance of having a specific and integrated system and has chosen to implement Gen.te Planeja - People Budget. “With LG’s tool, we have gained a lot of productivity and we have more confidence in the calculations and projections made. Besides, we give each area the opportunity of managing their budget and expenses tendencies, in an automated way”, VLI’s remuneration and benefits manager reinforces.

Results reached

Results reached

setaElimination of manual work
setaData reliability
setaProcess decentralization
setaBetter decision-making
setaStrategic management of people budget
Elimination of manual work

According to Marcos Matheus, “one of the difficulties in the old process was to extract the payroll reports and do all the process manually, which used to cause the possibility of error.” After adopting Gen.te Planeja - People Budgetm this scenario was excluded from VLI due to the native integration of the tool with the module of payroll.

Relacionamento com a LG lugar de gente

Relacionamento com a LG lugar de gente


De acordo com o gerente de remuneração e benefícios, o grande diferencial no relacionamento com a LG lugar de gente foi o comprometimento, tanto da equipe de desenvolvimento quanto da área de operação. “Essa parceria foi fundamental para que tivéssemos o sucesso e conseguíssemos o resultado esperado, que era executar o orçamento de pessoal 100% através do sistema e dentro do cronograma definido pela VLI”, reforça Marcos Matheus.

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Quando eu vejo tudo que construímos juntos com a LG lugar de gente, só consigo pensar em uma palavra para descrever a parceria: inovação.

Quando eu vejo tudo que construímos juntos com a LG lugar de gente, só consigo pensar em uma palavra para descrever a parceria: inovação.

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